Decorating Spring-Themed Cupcakes
Rachael TeufelDescription
First up is a cupcake adorned with a sprinkle-center white flower. Included are tips and tricks on using a grass tip to create short or longer floppy grass, achieving crisp edges and impressions with plunger cutters, and giving the flower petals shape directly on the cupcake without using flower formers. Next is a cupcake with a carrot top peeking out of the grass. Rachael shares tricks for using a star tip in an unconventional way and pointers on creating a carrot top with modeling chocolate. Last but certainly not least: an adorable bottom-up bunny diving into his hole.
Rachael briefly shares her insights on why she chooses to work with modeling chocolate instead of fondant to create the bunny. Check out “Modeling Chocolate vs. Fondant” for more information. Rachael also gives tips on shaping modeling chocolate without the use of any special tools and working with edible food pins without leaving indentations. These designs are perfect for pulling in little helpers and creating memories together!
To keep the fun going, check out “Decorating Summer-Themed Cupcakes.”
Explore Videos by Rachael Teufel
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