Creative Cake Design's 1st Birthday Celebration
Rachael TeufelDescription
Hello everyone, and welcome to Creative Cake Design's first birthday celebration. We are so excited. This week is actually packed full of events, so if you are joining us, do not go anywhere for the rest of the week. Okay, maybe there are other things you can be doing in between, but I promise, we have so many things going on this week, and of course we are starting off the week with our first birthday celebration. We had viewers submit some different cake designs to us, and we were so impressed by so many of those designs, and we wanna show you a handful of them so that you can see the talent that is out there in our community.
We are just thrilled to see so many creative designs come through. If you were one of the people who submitted a design, throw a little shoutout in our comment section for us. And of course, if you have any questions or concerns throughout the entire broadcast, feel free to submit those questions, and I will do my best to answer them. I did happen to choose a very particular cake to create because I feel cake and ice cream are like the biggest things in order to celebrate a birthday. And so, I have chosen this design.
It was created by Lilia, and she just did an amazing job. I am thrilled by the color scheme, the decor options, and I really just love the pop of color that brings just such a fun feel to our birthday. So without further ado, I am Rachel Teufel and I am going to share this tutorial with you on how to create this adorable ice cream cake for our birthday. So let's get started. Dive right in.
Again, make sure you post any questions as you go. I'm gonna show you first how I would create this cake. Now remember, these designs were submitted by others, and so I'm left with a little bit of interpretation to do. We could certainly do this cake, or this design, on a buttercream cake, a fondant covered cake. This could be a ganache cake.
There are so many options here. And of course, the decor could be a lot of different things too. So I'm gonna put my own little spin on this design, and we are going to start with fondant. Now, sprinkles are one of those things that if you were going to place sprinkles on your cake individually, as you could see, there's a lot of them, and that would be a little time consuming. So I am actually gonna show you a little trick to how I do a sprinkle pattern on a fondant cake.
And again, there are so many different ways that you could do this, but this is like my quick and easy way to do sprinkles. You're gonna start just by rolling out your fondant. Now, you can use whatever fondant is good for you, but I prefer to use ChocoPan by Satin Ice. Just has a really lovely texture. It's soft, it molds back to itself very well.
And it doesn't leave me with any elephant skin, especially because I'm in a very dry environment, both when I'm filming here in Minnesota, as well as when I am baking at home in Colorado. So, you know, as always, find something that works for you. I will say that Satin Ice has multiple types of fondant that you can use as well, from their very traditional fondant, to a tropical fondant that's really good in high humidity areas. And then they have, of course, the ChocoPan as well. So find what works best for you and go with it.
You do need to kind of play. I know fondant is one of those things that people are like, oh, I don't like fondant. It doesn't taste good. Try it again, because I'll tell you, it actually does taste good these days. We have really grown product in the cake world in recent years, and modeling chocolate, fondant, gum paste.
Man, we are just, we have so many different options to be able to do what we need to do with sugar these days. So, all right. Yay. And Lilia seems to be with us today, so that's fantastic. Welcome Lilia, and thank you for your beautiful design.
So excited to recreate this for you. All right. So, a question would be for our viewers, what do you like to cover your cakes with? Are you a fondant person, or do you prefer buttercream? And I always like to remind people, remember, if you're getting a fondant cake, you're also getting a buttercream cake, because you can't cover a cake in fondant unless it's covered in buttercream.
So I do encourage people to think about that, because I think, aesthetically, fondant is absolutely gorgeous. And I find this brand of ChocoPan tastes like white chocolate, and I love white chocolate, so I actually really love fondant. But I would love to hear from all of you. Do you prefer to decorate just buttercream, or do you prefer to decorate in fondant? So I wanna hear all of those.
Alright, so here is my trick to sprinkles. So first thing you're gonna do, roll out your fondant. Make sure it's not gonna stick. If you have any places that are sticking, just go ahead and work it now, because you're gonna, we're gonna roll this out one more time, and we don't want our final product to be stuck to our mat. So a little powdered sugar, or a little bit of corn starch, depending upon where you are, will do the trick.
And I'm actually gonna flip this over. And then that way I know this surface doesn't have any more product on there for it to get stuck to. And just really lightly straighten out those edges. Now you wanna do this part of the process fairly quickly after you've rolled out your fondant, because otherwise you will be left with a very dry outer coating here. And that causes problems when we are trying to roll this.
So what you're gonna do is take a little bit of fondant or modeling chocolate, your choice. Fondant tends to work a little bit better in this situation. And you're gonna take a grater. This is just your standard cheese grater. If you have a microplane, that works too.
And you're going to use just a ball of your fondant, and nice long strokes over the top. And then just use your fingers to get that fondant to fall right out of there, okay? And make sure it's fairly spread out. And then you wanna do it with a few different colors. So in our sketch, we've got a couple of different colors going on.
I'm just gonna kind of use the same color scheme, the greens, the pinks, the purples, the blues. And we'll go from there. So I'm gonna put a little blue in here. That'll be really pretty. So this is almost like, a little bit more like confetti, rather than a true sprinkle.
But if you do longer strokes, you'll get longer pieces. So, you know, the longer your stroke on here, the more modeling chocolate is gonna end up on the backside here, which creates longer sprinkles. So, you know, mix it up, do whatever you'd like. Let's see. Let's grab a little orange, too.
I wanna make sure we get a few different color schemes in here. All right, buttercream. Uh-oh, Christopher. And Caitlin. Oh my goodness.
Do I have any fondant lovers out there? I, again, it's more of an aesthetic. I like the way that the fondant looks. It just, to me, has a much prettier appearance. Obviously, it depends on what style of cake you're creating, but I still, I don't know, I'm a modern girl.
I really like just that nice, clean finish, that modern finish that fondant provides. All right, if you have any larger chunks of your sprinkle, this is really fresh fondant, so that's why it's coming out a little bit chunkier, but I don't know, whatever look you're going for. All right. Now, once you have your fondant sprinkles in place, you're just gonna roll over top. What that does is imprint those little pieces of fondant.
Now, not all of 'em are gonna stick. Some of 'em are a little drier than others. Don't worry about it. Just keep rolling so that you can get most of those imprinted. And again, this is when working with a really fresh product is gonna be best, just 'cause that fondant is freshly rolled out.
If you need to, you could spray it with a little bit of water. If you're in a really dry location, that works too. Just bringing my cake in so we can get ready. And I always, especially because I'm in Colorado, it's dry, little spritz of water. And that's just gonna help the fondant stick to the cake itself.
So we just wanna make sure we don't have any issues with air bubbles stuck underneath the fondant. Now, if you wanted to do this on a buttercream cake, you totally could. I would just spread these out, and I would roll the cake. So once your buttercream cake is fully iced and chilled, spray a little water on it, and roll it, and you'll get a very similar appearance. You can do that with real sprinkles, or fondant sprinkles.
Your choice. All right, I probably should have put a little bit more powdered sugar down, but we're good. All right. So I'm gonna bring the cake in. Place our fondant over top, and then again, just with our smoothers, we're gonna go ahead and get this cake fully covered in our fondant.
There we go. And then if you are in need of any assistance with covering your cakes with fondant, I would highly encourage you to pop over to the Creative Cake Design website where all of our classes are listed. We have free and premium classes on covering your cakes in fondant. So if you need more assistance than what I'm giving you today in regards to covering your cakes, I'd encourage you to check that out. There's lots of great information there.
And sometimes covering your cakes with a piece of fondant that has other fondant imprinted into it, it can be a little bit of a challenge, especially if your surface is dry, that's probably the the biggest concern that we have. Don't stress over it. This is gonna leave just a really cool texture. It's gonna have little pops of color around, so don't stress if you see other pieces of your fondant or anything kind of coming off, don't worry about it. All right.
I'm almost all the way around. I also like working on a mat, so you guys can probably see, I'm really using this mat to my advantage, and just being able to rotate and move the fondant exactly where I need it. A little more water on the backside there, and we're good. Okay. All right.
So once you have your fondant covering on, you can just go ahead and smooth that out. This gives you an opportunity to kind of push some of those sprinkles back in there too, if you've lost some. And then just a little knife to clear the edge. And all I'm doing is placing the edge of that knife right alongside the cake, and then just drawing it all the way around. And what that does is creates this beautiful seam at the bottom.
So there's no, you don't need a border. So oftentimes I'll see people use either a pastry wheel, or they'll use just a knife and trim off excess, and then come underneath the board. There's all sorts of different ways to clear that out. But the problem with that is, if you don't get right up against the cake, then you run the risk of creating indentations where cakes start showing through. So this is what I have found to be the easiest way.
All right. Okay, Laura's out there. She's another ChocoPan lover. Thank you, Laura. I love ChocoPan.
It is by far my favorite to work with. Okay, so I'm gonna set this cake aside, and we're gonna work on, I'm gonna get the second cake done. I'm gonna do the second cake with a slightly different pattern. Now, I know that they're not gonna look the same at that point when they get stacked onto each other, but I wanna be able to show you multiple ways to do this. I will say I'm an options girl.
I like choices. So I not only like to give you choices, but I personally like to have choices. So what I'm gonna do is actually bring in all my excess modeling chocolate and fondant that's in here, and I'm just gonna roll it into my leftover fondant that's here. That's just gonna give me a really nice, colorful pattern. So then when I go to a roll out my next piece for the actual top tier, then I will have plenty of color that's already in it.
It doesn't need excess color on top, although you absolutely could. I'm just gonna put a little more underneath, because I need a little bit more fondant to cover that six inch. All right. So that is a second way. Now you'll of course get a little bit more marbling with this style of a covering, but I think it, again, I'm an options girl.
I like giving you different ways to present your cakes. And this is just one more way to be able to create a really cool texture, a really cool look and decor. Just keep moving that around. And then what I'm gonna do is actually put a little bit more sprinkle on top of it as well. So then we'll get something that's a little bit more similar to what our other cake looks like.
All right. So a little bit of rolling out. Make sure it's not sticking. A little bit more fondant, in whatever color you would like. And I'm just, again, doing a variety.
There's no rhyme or reason to this. That's kind of the other great part about this technique. All right. And being able to put those sprinkles in just a little bit earlier in your rolling process is gonna help embed them a little bit better as well. So if you like a little lighter presentation, do them once your fondant is almost fully rolled out.
If you want something that's got almost like longer streamers that are built into that, do it a little earlier, because as you roll, they're gonna stretch, and move, and really embed into that fondant. All right. Okay, so let's bring our six inch in, and same process. Little water. Okay.
So with a smaller cake, I always find bigger cakes are a little easier to cover, 'cause they allow you to spread out those wrinkles a little bit easier. So I wanted to be able to show you on a slightly smaller cake, too. It's not that different when you're switching from an eight inch round to a six inch round, but if you can see all of these little indentations that we have, those little folds, the easiest way to get rid of those is by pulling down and out. And then just use your hand to slide down and adhere to the cake. So just get rid of that little buckle that's there.
I know a lot of people really try to work straight down to get those out, but I promise, down and out is your trick. All right, rotate this guy. And while you're using this mat to be able to rotate your cake, you can rotate the cake without the mat as well. I just find that it's really helpful, and it has a nice bottom, really nice look to the bottom of the cake without having to move and imprint it. All right, do we have any questions yet?
And I see Laura, my ChocoPan buddy, is saying that her customers prefer fondant. One of my little tricks with kind of, you know, some designs work better with fondant than they do with buttercream. So if I have a client who really is not interested in fondant, make sure you give them a sample of it, and make sure you tell them your cake is fully covered in buttercream. It's just an extra layering. It is not, you're not skimping out on the buttercream.
You're gonna get all that delicious buttercream, and another layer. So you know, sometimes we have to be the ones who educate our customers. And just like I am educating others in the industry, I educate my clients too, and I share with them each of the elements that I'm gonna be using on their cakes so they know what it is, how it's created, what it tastes like. That's a really important part of the process. So don't create a cake in buttercream that really should be done in fondant or modeling chocolate, just because the client wants buttercream.
Teach them, show them. Let them try it. All right. I'll set that one aside. All right.
So, now that I have both the cakes covered in fondant, I am just gonna set them aside for a moment, and we're gonna work on some of the other details. Then we'll get these stacked up and ready to go. All right. Now I will warn you, this sprinkle method here is just like regular sprinkles. It's a messy process.
It gets everywhere, but it's worth it. All right. So now I'm gonna bring in some of our other details. I have sneak peeks to some of the other things, if you're interested. All right, let me show you what we've got here.
So if you're not familiar with the Sugar Debate, this'll be our second Sugar Debate. And you can download a recipe for gingerbread cookies. This is my own recipe. This is a delicious molasses based recipe. It's super tasty, obviously very adorable.
And check out our social media a little later today, I actually have a video on how to both make the dough for our cookies, as well as how to roll them out, cut them with a special trick, and then decorate them. So make sure you follow us on TikTok and Twitter. Well, not Twitter. TikTok and Facebook and Instagram. Those are the ones that we're on.
And if you happen to be a gold member, then you get to make this adorable Christmas tree as well. And there's a recipe in this particular tutorial for making both the glaze that's on it, as well as I can give you a link to the cookie dough recipe that I used for this particular arrangement. It's super cute. These little trees are just adorable. And they've got sprinkles on 'em from Sweetapolita, which are, I just love their combinations.
They've got some really cool combinations. All right, so sneak peek. We're gonna be making these little ice cream cones. And the ice cream cones are actually fairly straightforward to make if you have the right tools. And you can substitute out a tool that I have.
What I have found is that the more cutters that you can have, big and small, especially the small ones, you can create anything and everything that you want out of these shapes. My biggest thing in design is always look for common shapes within your decor, and go from there. So if we look at our little ice cream cones, you can see two things. You can see that triangular piece of the cone, and then, of course, the circular piece of the ice cream itself. And if you have a teardrop shaped cookie cutter, then you can do both at the same time.
And it's really kind of straightforward. But if you don't, you can always use either a triangle or a diamond shape. Just cut that in half, and now you've got two cones. And then of course, some sort of circle on the top. Whatever size works.
So in this case, this would be my ice cream scoop, and this would be my cone. So if you don't have the tear drop, don't worry about it. You'll find something else that you already have. And of course, these are small enough and easy enough of a shape, you could always just simply cut it out by hand as well. All right, so for just the shape of the cone, what I like to do is roll a strip of modeling chocolate.
Now, all of my decor that I put on my cakes is typically done in modeling chocolate for a few reasons. The first one is, this stays pliable. I love how flexible this is. It allows me to work with it much longer than using gum paste, for instance, which dries really hard and typically needs to be removed from your cake in order to cut and enjoy. Modeling chocolate doesn't, it just tastes like chocolate.
You can just put it anywhere, leave it on your cake, cut through it, serve it. And most people enjoy it. If you wanna use fondant, just know that you run the risk of it stretching, first of all, which could be a problem for your design. And the other issue that comes into play is stretching when you are moving them. So if I were to make this out of fondant, it stretches, it skews the shape, but if it's been sitting here for a while, it's actually going to to develop that elephant skin as well.
So when you go to pick it up and move it, it could crack. So I really, modeling chocolate is the way to go. We have recipes for modeling chocolate. We have a class completely dedicated to modeling chocolate. You know, do whatever you need in order to make sure that you've got a great set of tools and resources on in order to do what you need to do with your cakes.
So this is the first part, the cone. I am kind of looking at where the circle starts, and I'm just making sure I get to that point. I'm gonna have some of the little drips kind of coming down it anyway, so if this is a little bit bigger, that's totally fine. If you have an impression mat that is diamond shaped to create that very typical waffle cone look, you could certainly imprint that first. But if you don't have that, don't worry.
Just use the back of a knife to score it. Of course you're gonna do one direction, and then you'll come back and do the opposite direction. And I'm really just following the shape of the cone. So I am lining up my knife with this side of the cone first, and then just imprinting, and then the same thing going the other direction. And that's going to give that very signature look of a waffle cone.
Again, if you have an impression mat, there are lots out there with this diamond look, you could absolutely do that, and I would do that first, and then cut all of your cones. And you can see I've sort of done, I have two different styles. And so what I'm gonna do is alternate. So we'll sort of have a bigger one and a smaller one, and then a bigger one. And then that way it looks really uniform as well.
So don't ever stress if you go to make something, and you're like, oh goodness, I need a few more, or I didn't use the same size or the same pattern. Just make it work. Like I made these ahead of time so that I didn't have to stress over making lots of them to cover this cake. And now that I'm doing it a second time, they're a little bit bigger, they're a little bit different, but just alternate 'em, no worries at all. Okay, so then to top these again, we're just gonna use a little bit of fondant.
I'm doing this over here because this has been sitting out, my green and my orange and my pink and my blue are actually fondant. They're not modeling chocolate. So I'm actually gonna toss these in here real quick because the air here is really dry. I'm just doing it over the side in case anything is leaving little crumbles. I don't want that to be in my main work surface if I can at all help it.
All right, so if somebody is signed up for the Sugar Debate, we have two amazing cake designers that are gonna come play with us on Friday. The Sugar Debate is, it's like I said, it's our second time hosting it. It's super fun. It requires lots of audience participation, which is so helpful for helping create the design that the girls will be making. So we've got Elisa Strauss, of Confetti Cakes, and we have Anne Heap who actually joined me last year.
She is with Pink Cake Box. Those two are gonna be, not battling this time like we did last year, but they are actually going to create a cake together. And the theme is gingerbread. So we've got a really fun theme going this year. We have tons of sponsors.
We have sprinkles from Sweetapolita, we have Satin Ice providing all sorts of gum paste and modeling chocolate and colors and all sorts of things. We have Cake Safe again, we have Simi Sugar is providing a giveaway. We've got lots of giveaways, so you will not want to miss that event either. We have Fat Daddios, we've got all sorts. So, okay.
So what I was doing while I was chit-chatting was making this ice cream cone on top. And all you're gonna do is place, so I'm gonna make sure I've got these going with the right one. I cut the top of my teardrop, and I'm actually just gonna roll that bottom part. So I know that's hard to see, but it's just a little roll. And then place it on your cone, overlap it by, I don't know, quarter of an inch or so.
You can put a little water there if you need to. Not totally necessary, but you can if you need it. And then just using the Dresden tool, the circular part of the Dresden tool, I'm just sort of pushing and pulling in different directions. You know, that's that little, the little edge when you scoop up an ice cream, scoop it, or the little ball of ice cream. It gets smooth on the top for the most part, but then has all that little excess sort of drippy stuff, and it's just such a signature look to ice cream.
So play with that a little bit to get each of your individual colors together. So let me just do, let's see, we've got two there, two there, I'm gonna switch colors. We're going to do a couple of the blue. And I know that that's not necessarily in the design, but I wanna incorporate all the colors that we've used today. All right.
So all you're doing is just rolling out a little bit here, applying a little pressure. Now this blue is modeling chocolate, so it definitely works a little bit better than the fondant that I was using for this particular technique. Again, just take a maybe, I don't know, just quarter of an inch or so past that circle that we're looking at, and we're gonna do four. That way we can alternate some of these colors and make it work on our cake. All right, so little roll on the bottom, just to create that little lip of our ice cream scoop.
Just like that. Has anybody tried making an ice cream cone out of cake? Have you baked cake inside of an ice cream cone before? I know that was something that I did, certainly when I was a lot younger in my baking career. I used to do that a lot because it was easy, whether you used sugar cone or just a very traditional, what do they call 'em?
Cake cones. I think that's the other shape. Help me out. Is it a cake cone? I think it's a cake cone.
But yeah, it's really easy. You just mix up your own batter of whatever cake you'd like, and then pour it into your cake cone and bake 'em off. And you have two delicious treats in one. You have an ice cream cone and you have cake, which you know is really fun, delicious, and fun. All right, one more, and then we're gonna move on.
And we're gonna, I need to stack our cake. This one's a little long. So that's the other thing. For the size cone that I have here, this is just a little too long, so I'm gonna just cut that off. Now they're a little bit more even.
Okay. Make it work for you. If you need a larger circle on the top, just swap it out. And I'm really just kind of twisting and turning this tool in order to get it to not only adhere, but create that very cool signature look on the ice cream itself. All right, I was pushing too hard on that, so I'm just gonna take a little bit of my cone off.
All right. Whoa, be careful. Apparently I have slippery fingers today. All right, it is snowy in Minnesota. I don't know where you guys are all at.
Tell us where you're at. Thank you. Tell us where you're at. And do you guys have snow today? I feel really, it feels really weird to be making an ice cream cone cake in the middle of winter here in Minnesota, but whatever works, right?
All right. Okay, so once you have all of your ice cream cones done, you wanna set those aside. Again, some of these were made last night just so that they were a little firmer for me to be able to handle. And then I wanna show you what we can do with our waffle cone to create the top cone that's here. And the first thing that I did was, this is actually just modeling chocolate.
You could do a lot of things here. You could use a cake pop batter, you could use the top of a cupcake here as well. You could actually bake inside your cones, as I've mentioned, and then cover that with a little bit of buttercream and a little bit of fondant or modeling chocolate, your choice. There's lots of ways to do this. For ease today, what I'm gonna do is actually just insert a little bit of the modeling chocolate onto the cone.
So this one is just white, but I'm gonna show you how to create that upside down look. So what we wanna do is just get this kind of going in the right direction. So this is gonna be on our top tier. We just wanna make sure that we have something that's gonna be stable. And so if this is cake, then you will want to use a skewer to support it within your design.
This does not have cake in it, so it's super light. It's not gonna go anywhere. We don't have to worry about it falling over on the cake or anything like that. But I do like to create that flat surface just to ensure that we've got everything that we need. Okay, so let me grab, I just need to get my doweling.
So yeah, sorry, I totally forgot. I have to stack real cake here. Let me grab that. Sorry guys. Lots of lots of noises, but this is gonna, this is what's gonna allow us to put our cake together and stack it up nicely.
All right, so I have a tendency to use straws. You can use wooden dowels, you can use whatever you need, whatever makes you more comfortable. Just a standard. This is a milkshake straw. It's definitely got a little bit more support, in my opinion, compared to like a wooden dowel.
I know a lot of people prefer wooden dowels, and that's totally fine. If you're in the wooden dowel camp, use your wooden dowels, use whatever you need. I prefer to use my straws because they cut easy. They actually have a wider diameter compared to just a regular wooden dowel, and they're easy, and they're disposable. And I know plastic is sometimes not so great, but I have just found that to work so easy for me that it just isn't worth, it isn't worth the wooden dowel situation, but pick whatever works for you.
And then what's so great about it is you just line up your next straw. That one's not quite tall enough. Line up your straw, cut it with your scissors, you're good to go. And then I just sort of match, make sure that they're all the same height. Now, for a six inch round on top of an eight, I typically use five.
So I almost always will use a one less than the diameter of the cake. So a six inch round, you want five underneath of it. And as you get larger and larger, you'll wanna make sure that you have more and more support in there. All right, so we've got our five straws. One always goes in the middle, whoop, we'll have to cut another one.
Slippery fingers today, I'm telling you, it is wild. Maybe because we have so much snow, I don't know, make sure I'm grabbing the correct one. And then I just like to create a little diamond pattern. So whatever, again, whatever's gonna work best for you, just make sure that you've got the straws or the dowels centered, first of all. And then just spread out a little bit so that when you place this next cake on top that you don't have any issue with it sinking.
So these are both buttercream cakes with fondant over top. There is lots of ways to secure this. You can put a little bit of buttercream underneath here. You could use a little royal icing, whatever you have, if you are concerned about this moving around. So right now, my straws are maybe just a tad taller, a little bit of buttercream, a little bit of gel.
Whatever you have. I'm actually gonna use a little glitter glaze because I don't have any buttercream sitting right here. But this is really sticky. It's gorgeous. I love glitter glaze.
It is a product from Satin Ice, but now this is just gonna hold a whole lot better for me and not gonna go anywhere. So a little bit of pressure downward. And then the other thing I like to do is just go around to the edge and see if we can get that to stick just a little bit better. I think I'm realizing why I didn't have this stacked before I was going. I'm actually, I'm gonna change.
I'm gonna take this off. I wanna put my orange drip on first. Do we have orange? We have red. Well, I'm gonna wait, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna do this.
I'm gonna put orange, my orange drip, cut my orange drip, and then we'll stack it, which will be perfect. Okay, so little bit bit of orange modeling chocolate. Now you have a couple choices in the way of how you want to do your drip if you're truly gonna use a drip, I always recommend using a product like glitter glaze from Satin Ice. You could also use melted chocolate. You could use a true ganache.
If you wanna make a ganache with a white chocolate and color it, you could absolutely do that. Lots of ways to do drip. Because I like a more modern look to my cake, I am going to use the fondant, which will make it really easy for us. So roll out your fondant a little bit. Okay, little cleanup here.
Sorry, what questions do you have? Show me. Oh, we've got someone from Michigan. You're probably very cold up there too. Okay.
So what you wanna do in order to create a drip out of either modeling chocolate or fondant is roll it out so that it is larger than your top surface. So we have an eight inch round cake, so I know that we need at least an eight inch round circle, and for it to go over the edge, then we need some additional diameter there as well. So what I tend to do is use a mat like this that has just a marking on it. You can use a cake board to know if you've got it large enough, you can use a ruler, whatever you need. But having a mat to be able to kind of roll out and have an idea of how big of a circle you have works really well.
And again, just make sure it's not sticking. Move it around a little bit. So what I have here is the six inch round, and then right in the middle is actually an eight inch round. It's just a little harder to see. So I'm gonna go just a little bit bigger than that.
And this is thin. You want this to be a really thin layering because we already have fondant on our cake. We don't wanna keep piling on layer after layer. So if you wanna use something like glitter glaze or a ganache, by all means. And then once you have your circle rolled out, there's two ways you can do this.
You can put it on the cake and cut, or you can cut first. I'm just gonna eyeball it. I'm gonna kind of do a wavy pattern and do some little drips. And the beauty of this particular design is you can make it whatever you want. You don't have to follow a very particular pattern.
So just trying to be able to get somewhat of a curve going, some longer drips, some shorter drips, whatever works for you. And the key is just making sure you don't go too small on the inside. Okay. All right. And then once you have that piece cut out, you can spray the back of it in order to adhere it.
So I'm just gonna flip it over, make sure it's all stretched out. And I'm actually just gonna spray water on it. Now, you can use gum glues, you can use piping gel, you can use whatever you would like here. If you have a preference, go for it. I find water is simple and easily accessible, so whatever works best for you.
And then you just wanna layer this right over top. And I kind of start a work from one side to the other and make sure it goes over that edge, just like that. And then you just wanna come in with your finger and make sure that all of those edges are attached. So just kinda work however you need it to, just to get it to attached down. This strip is probably my favorite so far.
It looks really cool. All right. And then this top part. So remember we have our dowels in here. I'm just gonna give a little bit of a smoothing to the top to bring out those little straw marks.
And what that's gonna do is just make sure I know exactly where the support is. Again, use what you have. The cakes have been sitting out a little bit, so they're starting to get soft. So normally I would just pick them up by the sides, but I gotta be a little bit more careful right now. Okay.
So now that that one is in place, little push on the top, and then I'm just gonna go right around the edges as well, just to make sure that the fondant edges are nice and close to that orange drip. And then we're gonna roll out our pink. So it's a very similar process for the top. Any of your drips that you have. Same process, you just wanna make sure that you've got everything rolled out to the right consistency.
You don't want anything too thick here, remember, and cut a nice jagged edge to it if you'd like as well. Now if you want to put sprinkles on top of these, you certainly can. I know that that's what's in the sketch on the top of this pink cake. So a very similar process to making the original covering. I think I'm just gonna leave it pink for the sake of time so that we don't have to add one more step to the process.
But it's up to you. I think that's what's so fun about these types of designs, especially when we're playing with sprinkles, is that you really have a whole lot of flexibility. You don't have to stick to a very particular design. You can be creative, you can add sprinkles where you want to or not. So your choice there.
All right, we're gonna move to the top tier. The other thing that I really like about this design is it's very quick. So aside from baking the cake, filling it, icing it, making sure we've got a great coating of buttercream underneath there, this cake comes together very quickly. I've showed you everything that I've done so far, with the exception of maybe taking a few more minutes to make more ice cream cone. You know, the little pieces, that's the only part that really is very time consuming.
So, make sure that when you are designing cakes and creating cakes that you're trying to make these, not necessarily as fast as you can, but this is a design that could very easily come together design-wise, in about an hour. You know, it might take longer. Well, it definitely takes longer to be able to bake your cake, fill it, ice it, all that. But you've seen that I've covered a two-tier cake, I've made decorations, and we're not even quite at an hour yet. So I think finding designs that really work well for your schedule and for whatever it is that you want.
How decorative you get is up to you. And I know I'm very specifically trying to design something that, or create something that can be designed in an hour for the sake of you guys being able to tune in. But I really enjoy finding designs that come together quickly and easily. And you know, we don't have to spend all day in the kitchen. All right, so I've got this one.
I'm gonna stretch it out just a little bit. I probably cut a little too much off, but this is an ice cream splatter, so I'm not gonna worry about it. All right, let's pull this cake in. And what I'm gonna actually do is put our ice cream cone on top just so I have an idea of where that's gonna go. And I am going to remove the cone gently, stretch it out just a little bit so it goes over that cone, and put the cone back on.
So now we have what looks like the ice cream cone has plopped, it's fallen on top of our cake. How convenient. Ice cream and cake go so well together. And then I'm gonna get all these drips going around first. I'm just gonna make sure that they're adhered down and sort of starting to drip away.
And then I'm gonna come in with my Dresden tool, and that's where we're gonna just really slowly start to work that fondant around the bottom of the cone. I'm gonna pull that a little closer, and that's what's going to give us that little bit of definition of the actual scoop itself. So that's what we're going for here. And just manipulate your fondant to do whatever it is that you want to do. Push it where you need it, stretch it if you need it somewhere else.
And don't fret if you've got a little bit of, so right here I have, you guys can see I have like a little gap in between where my fondant and my cone is. I am just gonna push my fondant right where I need it to seal up that gap. You could come in with another piece of fondant if you need to to cover that, which I probably will, because I didn't cinch it quite enough in there. So I'm just gonna work the rest of this to get it where I want it. And then I'll show you another little trick.
So you can take the opposite of what we cut already. Okay, so we cut out our circle and we've got this really cool drip pattern going right here. So what I'm gonna do is just cut a nice fresh line on the other side of it. And you can just bring it in and wrap it around. That's a little too thick, go a little smaller.
So now it's like a double drip, which gives it more texture, more depth, more everything. All right. So that way you can just, again, add what you need to cover what you need to. I feel like this just adds a little bit more depth to the cone itself to that ice cream drip that we've got going just like that. Oh, so there's another question, Sarah, thanks for asking.
You wanna see some of the other photos? We can certainly put some of those up on the screen for you. If you pop over to our TikTok or Instagram pages, there's a little video that shows all of them as well, which is kind of fun if you wanna see it in that way. But maybe we can pop those up on the screen for you. We had so many great submissions, it was so hard to narrow it down and just pick one to make.
Maybe we'll have to do another one of these and create one of the other designs at some point. But yeah, they came out so well. Everybody did such a great job submitting. I'm impressed. We definitely have some artists out there, that is for sure.
So I know one of the cakes we had, I just was like, blown away. So let me share, let me say to you that there is a cake that I just was like blown away by, that has, well, there's a couple couple of them that I was blown away by, but I had to think about like what I could do in one hour as well. So while maybe some of the other designs were more elaborate and really cool, I just couldn't fit that kind of difficulty into a one hour tutorial. So there was one with some slides with this underwater theme that was super cool that I think would've just brought the whole underwater theme together really nicely. And there was one that was like a forest sort of scenario.
We had a design that I actually fell in love with that had all the colors of our Creative Cake Design logo in it, which was just beautiful. We had so many great submissions. I am impressed by the artistry that we have in our community is absolutely fantastic. Okay, so I know that this isn't the actual cake board that I'm gonna use, but I wanna show you how you can embellish a little bit with some glitter glaze. This one, I'm just gonna run it around the bottom of my cake so you can see, and I'm not gonna do the whole cake, but what's really cool about the glitter glaze is it creates a bottom border really nicely, if you want.
You can bring it in and out and create some of those drips onto your board, which is really cool. And you could absolutely use this here as well to be able to create your design. So let me do, I'm gonna, I'm ad libbing a little bit on this design, but I wanna be able to show you what you can do with some of the different products that are out there now. So with the glitter glaze, it will run. This is, I have found this product to be a little bit on the thick side when just piping right out of the can here, the little jar that I'm using.
But what's nice about it is it does still flatten and ooze a little bit. So I feel like maybe just warming this up a little bit would give me a slightly better control over these drips coming down the side. So, you know, use your imagination when using different products and see what works best for you. So I'm just gonna do this one side so you can see it. Same thing down here.
I'm just gonna do a little bit more. And then last but not least, we're gonna add our little ice cream cones. Now, when adding your little cones, all you need, tiny little spritz of water, it's not gonna take a whole lot, right onto the side of the cake. Super easy. There is not a whole lot of magic that needs to happen when adding your ice cream cones.
They will stay put. They don't take, they're not very heavy, so they don't take a lot of water. Or, again, if you wanted, you could use gum glue or you could use piping gel. You could actually use a little bit of the glitter glaze, losing my words today. So, lots of options.
You know, use whatever works best for you. I find water is just usually the easiest. All right. Let's get a couple more on here. We're almost ready to celebrate.
We're getting there. I think we'll be able to get away with like two more here and then we are good to go. And then we can decide if we need anything else on this cake. So you can see from this perspective, we've got all of the decor. We've got some fun elements, both with the ice cream landing on top.
We've got some of our glitter glaze running down, but you could also see, you can keep this cake a little bit more simplistic as well, and just have a really nice, clean, smooth look. Maybe we would twist our cone to face the other way. But this is just a really fun, easy, cute design. It comes together quickly in right about an hour. I would probably spend a little bit more time making sure all my edges are nice and clean and everything is just perfectly placed.
But for the sake of showing you and giving you an idea of how to create a design like this, you've got the basic concepts of what you need. Now, again, if you need additional help with any of the elements that we've done, these are things that we are teaching already in some of our both free as well as premium lessons on Creative Cake Designs. You can always check those out. I really hope that you will stick around if you are one of our gold members. We are gonna make these cute little cookie trees together coming up in about a half hour.
We're gonna go live and make our cookie trees. We'll show you how to assemble these and make sure they stay put. And you can add them all sorts of different styles of displays for cookies. Don't forget to join us for our Sugar Debate on Friday. That's gonna be with Ann Heap and Elisa Strauss.
And I want you to run over to our link in the comment section and download this free gingerbread cookie recipe. It's not only delicious, but it comes together very quickly and easily. They smell so good. Just love this time of year. I just, the flavors that come out this time of year are just amazing.
But you can download a free recipe, and then you will get a handful of reminders in order to join us for Sugar Debate, where we are gonna create the most amazing gingerbread themed house out of cake. But we need you guys to be able to participate and answer some of our survey questions in order to know how to design it. We want you guys to guide the design. So you're gonna be picking from a couple of different color choices with sprinkles. We have some marvelous molds mats that we're gonna be giving away to everybody.
We have a sprinkle package, we have a Marvelous Molds kit. We have Fat Daddio cake pans gave away. We have gift certificates to Simi Isomalt's website. We have all sorts of things to give away, as well as show you how to create some really amazing designs utilizing all these fabulous products as well. So don't forget to click the link, get your free recipe, sign up, join us for the Sugar Debate, and you will not be disappointed, I promise.
So happy birthday to Creative Cake Design. We're so excited to be celebrating one year. Thanks to all of you for joining us. We really appreciate all of the support, and we hope that you are enjoying all of the amazing educational resources that we're providing to you, and fun cake design. So happy birthday Creative Cake Design.
Hi 😊 I moved to Colorado and baking can be challenging as you know. I bake from home and own a home business SweetArt. I am in 7528 altitude. Would you please have tips what flour you use for your professional baking? Little packs of King Arthur can get very expensive. Is there any other tips you would have for me? I do have recipes that I converted to high altitude but I did tried doctored box mix and my cake was rising amazingly and when I checked on them they sank in a middle 😩 please if you can let’s chat? I love using modelling chocolate and with coldness in Colorado it’s challenging as well lol Thank you so much 😊
What is the point in putting in the straws if they are not tall enough to secure the top layer?