Creating Geometric Patterns
Rachael Teufel
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Geometric patterns have been used for centuries to create unique, eye-catching designs in art, architecture, and now cake! Head into the kitchen with cake designer Rachael Teufel as she discusses geometric design and demonstrates how to create an original design on your next cake. Her easy-to-learn, time-saving methods can be applied to a multitude of different shapes, colors, sizes, patterns, and even textures to create symmetrical or asymmetrical designs.
Along the way, Rachael encourages you to have fun and play with voids, overlapping shapes, textured mats, and patterns within patterns. She shares tips and tricks for lining up your patterns on the top, bottom, or middle of any cake, how to easily remove your shapes from templates without stretching, and how to shape up the edges on the cake if they don’t match up perfectly. For more tips, check out Rachael’s premium videos on paneling cakes and adding patterns by using textured mats and rolling pins.
Explore Videos by Rachael Teufel
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